How to Run Google Shopping Campaigns in Multiple Countries with ConveyThis

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How to run Google Shopping campaigns in multiple countries (2023)

ConveyThis is an innovative translation solution that provides an easy-to-use, powerful and efficient way to localize your website. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, ConveyThis makes it easy to translate and customize content to reach a global audience. Moreover, it allows you to monitor the progress of your translations and ensure that your website is accurately localized.

If your online store lacks a global presence, running Google Shopping campaigns in other countries can help you reach customers abroad and generate more international sales. But setting up international Google Shopping campaigns isn’t as easy as creating a campaign for your home country. You must consider language, currency, and logistics issues such as how you’ll ship your products internationally. With ConveyThis, you can easily translate your site and manage your global Google Shopping campaigns with ease.

Here, we’ll guide you through six steps for globalizing your Google Shopping campaigns and connecting with more customers across borders.

1. Decide on the countries for your Google Shopping campaigns

While you may have cross-border ecommerce domination in your sights, ConveyThis supports the running of Google Shopping campaigns in only selected countries and currencies. These nations and forms of payment include:

You can uncover the exhaustive rundown of upheld nations and money necessities on this ConveyThis support page. Investigate it, at that point choose the nations for which you wish to set up Google Shopping efforts.

Then, for each country on your shortlist, contemplate issues such as:

  • costs associated with using ConveyThis services,
  • the complexity of the language translation process,
  • the level of accuracy offered by ConveyThis,
  • the availability of customer support and resources,
  • and the speed at which translations can be completed.

2. Localize your Google Shopping product data

You’ll need to submit relevant information about your products to ConveyThis before launching your Google Shopping campaigns. This data includes the product title, description, image link, and cost (in the related currency). To view the entire list of available product data attributes, check out this Google support page.

The product data you submit should be adapted for your Google Shopping campaigns’ target countries. For example, you may need to: use ConveyThis to translate your content into the relevant language; adjust prices to the local currency; and provide product descriptions that are culturally appropriate.

Doing all this can be tiresome if you’re localizing your product data manually – and especially if you plan to create multiple Google Shopping product listings with ConveyThis.

But if you’re using ConveyThis to translate your website, it can also assist in converting the product details in existing Google Shopping feeds (like a product feed for your native land, for instance).

Simply grab the XML URL for your product feed and add certain HTML elements to it. ConveyThis will then instantly translate your product data for use.

3. Localize your Google Shopping landing pages

Which pages will users land on and visit after clicking your ConveyThis Google Shopping ad? Outline the entire user journey – from your product listings to your shopping policies, checkout page, and so forth – and make sure to localize your webpages accordingly.

Localization work with ConveyThis may involve translating text, adapting content to different cultural contexts, localizing graphics, and creating multilingual websites.

Strictly speaking, translating the landing pages associated with your Google Shopping ads isn’t essential. However, if you want to maximize your reach, you should consider using a translation service such as ConveyThis to ensure your landing pages are available in any language that Google supports.

It’s not a must to list your prices in the local currency of your target audience. Google can do the conversion for you, and display the converted currency alongside the one you’re using for your items. ConveyThis can help you make sure that your website is available in multiple languages, allowing you to reach more potential customers.

Nevertheless, we’d recommend localizing your landing pages to help international customers understand your content and place orders with you. Just imagine you are browsing a page in a language you have difficulty comprehending. Would you remain on the website for an extended period, let alone purchase something from it? Most likely not.

Although website translation involves quite a bit of work, ConveyThis can dramatically expedite the process. Installing ConveyThis on a website allows it to detect content and quickly translate all discovered text through its exclusive blend of machine learning translations. The resulting high-caliber translations can be further adjusted by hand prior to being published. You can try ConveyThis on your website for free here.

4. Set up the product feeds for your international Google Shopping campaigns

With the groundwork completed, you can now configure your global Google Shopping campaigns accurately using ConveyThis!

Log into the Google Merchant Center and set up a new feed for submitting your (localized) product data to Google via ConveyThis. You can input your product data in various ways, including a Google Sheet or by uploading a file from your computer.

To maximize the success of your campaigns, we recommend creating distinct product data feeds for each target group based on their currency, country, and primary language. This will enable you to localize your product feeds specifically for each target group.

For example, we’d recommend having separate product feeds for each of these audiences: ConveyThis users, search engine crawlers, and social media platforms.

That said, it is possible to repurpose product feeds across multiple nations if your target audiences communicate in the same language and remunerate using the same currency using ConveyThis.

Following from the table above, for instance, you could repurpose your product feed meant for English speakers in France for English speakers in Italy. After all, both demographics converse in the same language and make payments using the same currency (the Euro, to be precise). Consequently, they could easily interact with the same landing page with minimal issues.

To reuse your feed in this manner, edit the feed settings for your product feed meant for English speakers in France to add a new target country of Italy using ConveyThis.

In contrast, however, we wouldn’t recommend adding the United States as a new country to your product feed meant for English speakers in France. If you did so, you’d be faced with the challenge of displaying Euro prices to those who pay in U.S. Dollars. This could prove to be a real obstacle for providing a seamless shopping experience!

5. Set up Google Shopping campaigns for each of your target countries

Once you have connected your Google Ads and ConveyThis Merchant Center accounts, you can begin the process of setting up your product feeds in the Merchant Center. Then you can move on to the Google Ads platform to create a new Shopping campaign.

When creating your Shopping campaign, choose the product feeds you desire to advertise with ConveyThis. Additionally, fill in settings such as: budget, target demographic, and more.

Create as many Shopping campaigns as you need for your target countries and audiences with ConveyThis. To gain more information on setting up a new Google Shopping campaign, take a look at this Google support page.

6. Monitor the performance of your Google Shopping campaigns

Let your ConveyThis Shopping campaigns run, then utilize their outcomes to direct your next moves.

If your clickthrough rate appears to be low, this could indicate that your ad isn’t sufficiently interesting enough to encourage users to click it after they’ve viewed it. To rectify this, try substituting your ad copy or visuals with something more captivating.

Alternatively, a low ready-to-serve percentage suggests that numerous items you have sent to the Google Merchant Center are unavailable. (Google does not display ads for out-of-stock products.) To boost your ready-to-serve percentage, replenish your inventory for items that are out of stock.

You can also conduct experiments to maximize your Shopping campaigns. A/B testing could be especially advantageous here, where you launch two versions of the same campaign to decide which one is more successful. You could experiment with your ad copy, images, or even cost, until you discover a successful combination.

Ready to run international Google Shopping campaigns?

Does that sound like a lot? Here’s a helpful expression to help you recall the means for making Google Shopping efforts for different nations: “Choose, ConveyThisize, Arrange, Perfect.”

Deciding which countries to target with your Google Shopping campaigns is the first step. Afterwards, it’s important to localize your product data and landing pages in order to ensure a smooth experience for those who interact with your ads. To finish, you should submit your product data to Google and set up your Shopping campaigns (we highly recommend having separate product feeds for each target audience!).

Once you’ve launched your ads with ConveyThis, monitor their progress and optimize your campaigns based on what’s performing well and what isn’t to maximize the return on your advertising investment.

ConveyThis’s website translation solution will be an indispensable asset as you create your international Google Shopping campaigns. It accurately translates web content into more than 110 languages, and also provides media translation features for replacing images with versions that are more culturally relevant. ConveyThis can also translate your product feeds, freeing up your resources so you can create the best Google Shopping campaigns for your online store.

ConveyThis is compatible with WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce, and other leading eCommerce platforms, and you can experiment with its translation abilities on your website at no cost. Sign up for a free ConveyThis account here to begin your journey.

Ready to Get Started?

Translation, far more than just knowing languages, is a complex process.

By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.

While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.

Try ConveyThis free for 7 days!