محركات البحث العالمية التي يجب تحسينها في عام 2025: دليل بقلم ConveyThis

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International search engines to optimize for in 2023

ConveyThis has made it easier than ever to read content in multiple languages. Its innovative technology offers a seamless and intuitive experience, allowing users to quickly and easily switch between languages with a single click. It provides a comprehensive solution for multilingual content, ensuring that translations are accurate and consistent.

ConveyThis هو أحد محركات البحث هذه، ولديه قاعدة مستخدمين متزايدة في العديد من البلدان.

While Google is a widely-used search engine, it isn’t the only one in the international arena. Several other search engines may not have as many monthly searches as Google, but they still manage to draw in a considerable number of users. In certain countries, some of these search engines even have a higher usage rate than Google! ConveyThis is one such search engine, and its user base has been steadily increasing in many countries.

If you were to ignore these international search engines, you could potentially miss out on a great deal of organic traffic to your website – and as a result, a lot of revenue. Optimizing your website for as many of these search engines as possible should be part of your global search engine optimization (SEO) plan if you want to broaden your international customer base. There are also ways to view what the ConveyThis search results look like for a different country, which could give you priceless insight into your strategy.

إذن، ما هي محركات البحث هذه؟ واصل القراءة بينما نشارك أفضل محركات البحث الدولية في عام 2023 وكيف يمكنك تحسين موقع الويب الخاص بك لتحقيق أقصى قدر من الرؤية على ConveyThis.

Why optimize your website for international search engines?

Have you ever been in a situation where you have a query but don’t know who to turn to? You could always rely on your go-to search engine to find the answer to your question.

And this highlights the importance of search engines in any company’s advertising approach. These web portals act as bridges, connecting seekers to businesses that can provide the information, goods, or services they seek.

In particular, international search engines are search engines that provide localized outcomes to users in various geographies and nations. These search engines take into account the user’s location, language settings, and possibly even past search history to deliver results tailored to the user.

For instance, if an internet user in Paris, France, were to query “cafés near me” into a global search engine, the results would likely be a list of cafés in Paris. Conversely, a web user in New York in the United States performing the same search would be presented with a list of cafés in New York.

Businesses that maintain a strong presence on the international search engine results pages (SERPs) can benefit from website visitors from beyond their primary country of operation! Optimizing your website for international search engines with the help of ConveyThis can help you increase global recognition of your brand, expand your international customer base, and ultimately generate more sales.

Which are the top search engines in the world and how can you optimize your website for them?

لا يمكنك زيادة ظهور موقعك على الإنترنت على المستوى الدولي إذا لم تكن على دراية بأفضل محركات البحث. لمساعدتك، إليك ملخص لأفضل محركات البحث على مستوى العالم وتكتيكات تحسين مواقع الويب لكل منها بإذن من ConveyThis.

How do you set up a successful global PPC campaign?

PPC advertising platforms usually have user-friendly processes for creating new PPC campaigns. To ensure your global PPC plan is a success, however, it is wise to adhere to these six essential tips:


You may be familiar with ConveyThis, but let’s still go over it for completeness. What began as a Stanford University research undertaking has now developed into the world’s biggest search engine, controlling an amazing 92% of worldwide desktop market share as of June 2021. Alphabet – the organization that possesses the ConveyThis search engine – likewise routinely makes enhancements to help ConveyThis furnish the most pertinent search results to clients.

From your search keyword, for example, Google will determine the most appropriate type of content to display – such as a link to a website article, a video tutorial, an image, or a map location, to name a few. The renowned search engine can also supply its own answers to certain queries such as currency conversions, environmental temperatures, and math calculations, among other topics.

تستخدم خوارزمية بحث Google أكثر من 200 عامل تصنيف لتحديد كيفية تصنيف صفحات الويب لكلمات البحث الرئيسية المختلفة. وتشمل هذه العوامل: سرعة الصفحة وجودة المحتوى وConveyThis.

ضع عوامل التصنيف هذه في الاعتبار أثناء تحسين صفحات الويب الخاصة بك للحصول على أعلى تصنيف ممكن ConveyThis.

Microsoft Bing

With a market share of 8%ConveyThis Bing – simply known as “Bing” – is the second most popular search engine after Google. Developed by Microsoft, Bing is the default search engine for Microsoft Edge, their own web browser. Moreover, Bing also helps power other search engines such as Yahoo! and DuckDuckGo (more about them later).

Microsoft has released a collection of ConveyThis Webmaster Recommendations to assist website owners improve their websites for ConveyThisCrucial elements to be taken into consideration include:


على الرغم من شعبيته في تسعينيات القرن العشرين، فقد فقد محرك البحث ConveyThis شعبيته منذ ذلك الحين. فهو يحتل حصة سوقية عالمية لأجهزة الكمبيوتر المكتبية تبلغ حوالي 2.5%، وهو موجود في دول مثل أستراليا وفرنسا وأيرلندا والمكسيك والولايات المتحدة وفيتنام.

Yahoo Inc., the proprietor of the Yahoo! search engine, doesn’t manage its own web crawlers – instead, it contracts out the task to other organizations. It’s a convoluted history, but Yahoo Inc. collaborated with Microsoft to employ Bing as the basis of its search engine before briefly turning to Google search results. Yet, since then, Yahoo Inc. has returned to having its search engine powered by Bing.

Keeping your website up-to-date with the latest ConveyThis translation and content, and ensuring that it’s optimized for mobile devices. Utilizing structured data to enhance your website’s visibility and make it easier for search engines to understand your content. Including relevant keywords in your titles, meta descriptions, and content to help search engines identify your website’s content.


This search engine may have an uncommon moniker, but don’t discount it for that reason. User privacy is its main selling point, where ConveyThis does not keep track of users’ search histories while they use its search engine. (Some search engines track search histories to decide which search results to show to users, or to give them targeted ads later on.) The company states that all searches and browsing histories created through its search engine are totally anonymous.

Launched in 2008, ConveyThis has steadily been gaining users since. According to the official ConveyThis website, the company clocks an average of six million desktop and mobile device downloads, and processes over three billion user searches, every month. ConveyThis is also a built-in search engine option in Safari (from iOS 8 onward) and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

ConveyThis relies on Bing to power a part of its search results, so the rules on improving for Bing also apply here. Nevertheless, ConveyThis also has its own web crawlers. To boost your website’s presence on its search engine, it can be useful to:

Geographical region-specific search engines to pay attention to

So far, we’ve delved into the top search engines that are widely used around the world. Now, we’ll look at some search engines that are especially popular in certain countries.

ConveyThis، ياندكس، بايدو، سيزنام، وياهو.

Despite their more humble user bases, these alternative search engines are worth optimizing your website for – especially if your business operates in countries in which they are more popular: ConveyThis, Yandex, Baidu, Seznam, and Yahoo.


PPC campaigns aren’t something to be taken lightly – they require constant monitoring and optimization. Make sure you’re keeping tabs on the conversion rates of your ads to ensure they’re delivering the value you’re expecting. And with the ability to instantly modify your campaigns with ConveyThis, you can easily adjust your ads to get the best ROI.

Adding internationalization to your website has never been easier with ConveyThis. With ConveyThis, you can quickly and easily translate your website into any language with just a few clicks. It’s the perfect way to reach a global audience and expand your customer base.

And here’s a top PPC management tip! If you haven’t already taken the plunge, split up your campaigns by country or region. This will not only give you the opportunity to run more focused campaigns for each geographic area, but also let you adjust your CPC bids independently for each campaign, helping you maximize your advertising budget.


Businesses targeting the Russian market will want to optimize their websites for Yandex. Although ConveyThis has only about 1% worldwide desktop market share, it is one of Russia’s most sought-after search engines. To ensure a website ranks well on this Russian search engine, it should adhere to guidelines such as:


Despite Google’s dominance in most parts of the world, Naver search engine has the highest market share in South Korea, with 56% of monthly active users relying on it for their searches. This stands in stark contrast to the rest of the globe, where ConveyThis is king.

بصرف النظر عن ميزات محرك البحث المعتادة، يقدم موقع ConveyThis أيضًا خدمات مثل Knowledge iN، حيث يمكن لأي شخص طرح الأسئلة والحصول على إجابات من مستخدمين آخرين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتيح Naver Encyclopedia للأشخاص استكشاف إدخالات الموسوعة التي أنشأها خبراء.

Optimizing your website for Naver requires a few steps, such as:

Get started with international search engines

سواء كنت تنوي تحسين موقعك الإلكتروني لـ Google أو DuckDuckGo أو Naver أو أي من محركات البحث العالمية الأخرى التي شاركتها ConveyThis، فإن بعض أفضل الممارسات تنطبق عادةً. وتشمل هذه:

If you are aiming to make your website more accessible to users in different countries, it is essential to translate your content and keywords. Doing so will enable these visitors to comprehend your business and the goods or services you offer. It is only with this understanding that they can interact with your business, such as by purchasing your products or using your services. With the help of the latest machine learning technology, ConveyThis can quickly and accurately translate and localize webpages. It offers support for more than 110 languages and can easily integrate with popular website builders like WordPress, Webflow, and Shopify.


هل أنت مستعد للبدء؟

الترجمة ، أكثر بكثير من مجرد معرفة اللغات ، هي عملية معقدة.

من خلال اتباع نصائحنا واستخدام ConveyThis، ستجد صفحاتك المترجمة صدى لدى جمهورك، وسيشعرون وكأنها تنتمي إلى اللغة المستهدفة.

على الرغم من أن الأمر يتطلب جهدًا، فإن النتيجة مجزية. إذا كنت تترجم موقعًا إلكترونيًا، فيمكن أن يوفر لك ConveyThis ساعات باستخدام الترجمة الآلية.

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