As WooCommerce was created specially for helping ecommerces build their stores, there are numerous features and options available for customizing and perfecting your store’s look so you can compete in international markets.
Základ WooCommerce je super všestranný, takže můžete přidat mnoho vzájemně kompatibilních pluginů, například ConveyThis.
ConveyThis je překladatelský plugin, který pracuje s mnoha možnými rozvrženími a nezasahuje do ostatních pluginů.
Here are some aspects of user experience and page layout that you should keep in mind when designing your multilingual WooCommerce store and choosing plugins so you can increase your customer base.
Did you know that sorting your products chronologically is not the only option? There’s no need to display your products in the order you added them in if that doesn’t fit your business style.
There are many options to choose from with WooCommerce Extra Product Sorting Options like price, popularity, and alphabetically, and you can even choose if you want it in ascending or descending order. These names can also be customized for your shop front.
This plugin is highly focused on all aspects of sorting, including how many items will be displayed per page, and you can even configure the amount of rows and columns. It’s super easy to use and it gives you great control over the user experience.
So much can be said about a single product so imagine the amount of information loaded in a store. There has to be a careful and precise way to display it so your store will not look overwhelmed by text and specs. There are several ways of hiding or displaying information as previews, the way to decide the best for your brand is to be aware of how many options are available before choosing:
Remember that visuals are always very loaded with cultural meaning, and different audiences have different expectations of how stores should display their products.
A clear example is how online stores for Japanese audiences are very rich and full of information, as their audience enjoys and expects lots of text and icons .
You may have a multilingual website ready with ConveyThis, but you’ll want to seriously consider adapting the images and videos to suit your new audiences better as it will go a long way in making them feel more comfortable in your store, and increase your conversions.
ConveyThis přeloží celý váš web během několika minut do jazyků, které si vyberete, bez problémů funguje s WordPress a jeho pluginy. S první vrstvou automatického překladu můžete okamžitě rozšířit své publikum tím, že mu ho zpřístupníte díky jeho SEO kompatibilitě.
Poté můžete na každé stránce pracovat samostatně, pokud ji chcete upravit, nebo si můžete najmout zkušeného lingvistu z ConveyThis týmu přizpůsobit překlad tak, aby lépe odpovídal hodnotám vaší značky. Tlačítko jazyka si navíc můžete přizpůsobit.
WooCommerce Currency Switcher will help you display the prices in your target audience’s currency with automatic conversion and, if they wish, they can also purchase in the selected currency.
There is a world out there full of options available for those running online stores, the design possibilities are endless and some of the features available can help you improve the user experience.
Ecommerce website design is all about how to showcase your products better and how to make it easy for the customer to find what they are looking for in their language.
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Translation, far more than just knowing languages, is a complex process.
Budete-li se řídit našimi tipy a používat ConveyThis, budou vaše přeložené stránky u vašeho publika rezonovat a budou se cítit jako domácí v cílovém jazyce.
I když to vyžaduje úsilí, výsledek je odměňující. Pokud překládáte web, ConveyThis vám může ušetřit hodiny díky automatickému strojovému překladu.
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