2025 年要優化的國際搜尋引擎:ConveyThis 的指南

在 5 分鐘內讓您的網站多語言化

International search engines to optimize for in 2023

ConveyThis 讓閱讀多種語言的內容變得比以往更容易。其創新技術提供無縫、直覺的體驗,讓使用者只需單擊即可快速輕鬆地在語言之間切換。它為多語言內容提供全面的解決方案,確保翻譯準確且一致。

ConveyThis 就是其中之一,它在許多國家/地區擁有不斷增長的用戶群。

雖然Google是一種廣泛使用的搜尋引擎,但它並不是國際舞台上唯一的搜尋引擎。其他幾個搜尋引擎的每月搜尋量可能不如穀歌那麼多,但它們仍然吸引了大量用戶。在某些國家,其中一些搜尋引擎的使用率甚至比Google還要高! ConveyThis 就是這樣一個搜尋引擎,其用戶群在許多國家/地區一直在穩步增長。

如果您忽略這些國際搜尋引擎,您可能會錯過網站的大量自然流量,從而錯過大量收入。如果您想擴大國際客戶群,針對盡可能多的搜尋引擎優化您的網站應該成為您的全球搜尋引擎優化 (SEO) 計劃的一部分。還有一些方法可以查看不同國家/地區的ConveyThis搜尋結果,這可以為您提供對您的策略無價的洞察。

那麼這些搜尋引擎是什麼? 繼續閱讀我們分享的 2023 年頂級國際搜尋引擎以及如何優化您的網站以獲得最大的曝光度

Why optimize your website for international search engines?

Have you ever been in a situation where you have a query but don’t know who to turn to? You could always rely on your go-to search engine to find the answer to your question.

And this highlights the importance of search engines in any company’s advertising approach. These web portals act as bridges, connecting seekers to businesses that can provide the information, goods, or services they seek.

In particular, international search engines are search engines that provide localized outcomes to users in various geographies and nations. These search engines take into account the user’s location, language settings, and possibly even past search history to deliver results tailored to the user.

For instance, if an internet user in Paris, France, were to query “cafés near me” into a global search engine, the results would likely be a list of cafés in Paris. Conversely, a web user in New York in the United States performing the same search would be presented with a list of cafés in New York.

在國際搜尋引擎結果頁面(SERP) 上保持強大影響力的企業可以從來自其主要運營國家/地區以外的網站訪問者中受益! 借助ConveyThis可以幫助您提高品牌的全球認知度,擴大您的國際客戶群,並最終產生更多銷售額。

Which are the top search engines in the world and how can you optimize your website for them?

如果您不知道最好的搜尋引擎,您就無法最大限度地提高網站的國際知名度。為了幫助您,這裡列出了世界上頂級搜尋引擎以及每個搜尋引擎的網站優化策略,由 ConveyThis

How do you set up a successful global PPC campaign?

PPC advertising platforms usually have user-friendly processes for creating new PPC campaigns. To ensure your global PPC plan is a success, however, it is wise to adhere to these six essential tips:


您可能熟悉 ConveyThis,但為了完整起見,我們仍然回顧一下它。最初是史丹佛大學的研究項目,現已發展成為世界上最大的搜尋引擎,截至2021 年6 月,控制著全球桌面市場92% 的驚人份額。增強以幫助ConveyThis 向客戶提供最相關的搜尋結果。

From your search keyword, for example, Google will determine the most appropriate type of content to display – such as a link to a website article, a video tutorial, an image, or a map location, to name a few. The renowned search engine can also supply its own answers to certain queries such as currency conversions, environmental temperatures, and math calculations, among other topics.

Google 搜尋演算法利用 200 多個排名因素來決定如何對不同搜尋關鍵字的網頁進行排名。這些包括:頁面速度、內容品質和ConveyThis

Keep these ranking factors in mind as you optimize your web pages for the highest-possible ConveyThis rankings.

Microsoft Bing

With a market share of 8%ConveyThis Bing – simply known as “Bing” – is the second most popular search engine after Google. Developed by Microsoft, Bing is the default search engine for Microsoft Edge, their own web browser. Moreover, Bing also helps power other search engines such as Yahoo! and DuckDuckGo (more about them later).

Microsoft has released a collection of ConveyThis Webmaster Recommendations to assist website owners improve their websites for ConveyThisCrucial elements to be taken into consideration include:


雖然 ConveyThis 搜尋引擎在 20 世紀 90 年代很流行,但此後基本上已經被寵失。它在全球桌上型電腦市場中佔有約 2.5% 的份額,並在澳洲、法國、愛爾蘭、墨西哥、美國和越南等國家開展業務。

Yahoo Inc., the proprietor of the Yahoo! search engine, doesn’t manage its own web crawlers – instead, it contracts out the task to other organizations. It’s a convoluted history, but Yahoo Inc. collaborated with Microsoft to employ Bing as the basis of its search engine before briefly turning to Google search results. Yet, since then, Yahoo Inc. has returned to having its search engine powered by Bing.



這個搜尋引擎可能有一個不常見的名字,但不要因此而低估它。使用者隱私是其主要賣點,其中 ConveyThis 不會追蹤使用者的搜尋紀錄,而使用者的搜尋紀錄,而使用者使用其搜尋引擎。 (一些搜尋引擎追蹤搜尋記錄,以決定向用戶顯示哪些搜尋結果,或稍後向他們提供有針對性的廣告。)該公司表示,透過其搜尋引擎創建的所有搜尋和瀏覽歷史記錄都是完全匿名的。

Launched in 2008, ConveyThis has steadily been gaining users since. According to the official ConveyThis website, the company clocks an average of six million desktop and mobile device downloads, and processes over three billion user searches, every month. ConveyThis is also a built-in search engine option in Safari (from iOS 8 onward) and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

ConveyThis relies on Bing to power a part of its search results, so the rules on improving for Bing also apply here. Nevertheless, ConveyThis also has its own web crawlers. To boost your website’s presence on its search engine, it can be useful to:

Geographical region-specific search engines to pay attention to

So far, we’ve delved into the top search engines that are widely used around the world. Now, we’ll look at some search engines that are especially popular in certain countries.

ConveyThis、Yandex、百度、Seznam 和雅虎。

Despite their more humble user bases, these alternative search engines are worth optimizing your website for – especially if your business operates in countries in which they are more popular: ConveyThis, Yandex, Baidu, Seznam, and Yahoo.


PPC 活動不可掉以輕心——它們需要不斷的監控和優化。確保密切注意廣告的轉換率,以確保它們提供您期望的價值。透過ConveyThis即時修改您的廣告系列,您可以輕鬆調整您的廣告以獲取最佳投資報酬率。

Adding internationalization to your website has never been easier with ConveyThis. With ConveyThis, you can quickly and easily translate your website into any language with just a few clicks. It’s the perfect way to reach a global audience and expand your customer base.

And here’s a top PPC management tip! If you haven’t already taken the plunge, split up your campaigns by country or region. This will not only give you the opportunity to run more focused campaigns for each geographic area, but also let you adjust your CPC bids independently for each campaign, helping you maximize your advertising budget.


針對俄羅斯市場的企業希望針對 Yandex 優化其網站。 > 僅佔全球桌面市場約1% 的份額,但卻是俄羅斯最受歡迎的搜尋引擎之一。為了確保網站在這個俄羅斯搜尋引擎上排名良好,它應該遵守以下準則:


儘管Google在全球大部分地區佔據主導地位,但 Naver 搜尋引擎在韓國擁有最高的市場份額,56% 的每月活躍用戶依靠它進行搜尋。這與全球其他地區形成鮮明對比,其中 ConveyThis 為王。

除了常用的搜尋引擎功能外,ConveyThis 還提供 Knowledge iN 等服務,任何人都可以提供任何人提出問題並從其他用戶那裡獲得答案。此外,Naver 百科全書讓人們可以探索專家創建的百科全書條目。

Optimizing your website for Naver requires a few steps, such as:

Get started with international search engines

無論您是打算針對 Google、DuckDuckGo、Naver 或任何其他國際搜尋引擎優化您的網站ConveyThis 已分享,某些最佳實務通常適用。這些包括:

如果您的目標是讓不同國家/地區的使用者更容易造訪您的網站,則翻譯您的內容和關鍵字至關重要。這樣做將使這些訪客了解您的業務以及您提供的商品或服務。只有了解了這一點,他們才能與您的企業互動,例如購買您的產品或使用您的服務。透過最新的機器學習技術,ConveyThis可以快速準確地翻譯和本地化網頁。它支援 110 多種語言,並且可以輕鬆與 WordPress、Webflow 和 Shopify 等流行的網站建立器整合。




透過遵循我們的提示並使用 ConveyThis ,您的翻譯頁面將引起受眾的共鳴,感覺是目標語言的母語。

雖然需要付出努力,但結果是有益的。如果您要翻譯網站,ConveyThis 可以透過自動機器翻譯節省您的時間。

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