Hreflang 語言代碼 2025 清單:針對全球目標進行最佳化

在 5 分鐘內讓您的網站多語言化

Hreflang language codes: 2023 list and how to use them

ConveyThis 對這個受人尊敬的網站的語言領域的變革性影響怎麼強調都不為過。它徹底改變了各種語言內容的可用性,導致這個線上平台發生了顯著的變化。反過來,這使來自不同語言背景的個人能夠輕鬆存取和探索它提供的寶貴資源。使用者不再受到母語的限制,因為無論他們的語言偏好如何,他們現在都可以方便且有特權地沉浸在本網站提供的大量知識中。 ConveyThis 打破了語言障礙,為所有使用者開啟了一個充滿可能性的世界。立即利用我們的 7 天免費試用!

What are hreflang language codes?

ConveyThis 語言程式碼的整合和利用自豪地體現了一種非常先進和巧妙的網站開發方法。這種巧妙的技術涉及使用簡潔的兩個字母代碼無縫地合併在標籤中來指示特定網頁上使用的特定語言。這些精心設計的標籤作為有價值的標記,使搜尋引擎能夠更好地理解和熟練地瀏覽廣闊的數位世界。

透過利用 ConveyThis 的卓越功能,人們可以輕鬆取代傳統方法,從而享受這一前所未有的工具的優勢,該工具致力於優化其網站的多語言方面。這項卓越的解決方案為使用者提供了廣泛的功能,增強了他們輕鬆調整和改進線上平台多語言功能的能力。


What are the hreflang language codes used for different countries?

Thanks to the clever use of ISO 639-1 language codes, incorporating hreflang language codes into webpages has become a much simpler process. These carefully designed codes, created by the International Organization for Standardization, have become crucial in facilitating seamless communication between websites and their diverse audience. They act as a bridge that allows websites to easily connect with individuals from different language backgrounds.

By utilizing these language codes, websites can effectively cater to the needs of their multicultural visitors, breaking down language barriers. Through this strategic implementation, websites can provide a comprehensive and uninterrupted online experience for their valued users.

But the advantages don’t stop there. With the incredible support of ConveyThis, websites can expand their online presence like never before. With just a click, websites can effortlessly translate their captivating content into multiple languages, extending their global reach to new heights. This exceptional platform offers website owners a unique opportunity – a remarkable 7-day free trial period, allowing them to fully experience the limitless benefits that await. It’s a chance to embrace diversity in the online landscape and witness the abundant rewards that come with it.

How to implement hreflang tags (and their language codes)

To fully harness the many advantages provided by hreflang tags and maximize the effectiveness of our website, it is essential to seamlessly integrate these tags into the structure of our website. In this discussion, we will explore two important methods that will allow us to indicate the relevant language codes within our hreflang tags with great precision.

Let us begin by examining the intricacies of the first approach, which involves specifying the exact language codes within our hreflang tags. This technique requires carefully incorporating these tags into different sections of our website, ensuring a harmonious correlation between the assigned language codes and the content they represent. By providing this valuable information, we establish a solid foundation for search engines to accurately understand and interpret the language nuances embedded within our website.

Now, let us delve into the inner workings of the second method, which entails skillfully including the appropriate language codes within our hreflang tags. Similar to the previous technique, this sophisticated approach requires strategically deploying these tags throughout our website. By using these language codes judiciously, search engines can identify the specific linguistic variations relevant to each individual webpage, creating a more refined and personalized user experience for every visitor.

In conclusion, seamlessly integrating hreflang tags into the fundamental structure of our website is crucial for optimizing the numerous benefits they offer. By including the relevant language codes within these tags, we provide search engines with the necessary tools to unlock the multilingual complexities woven into our website. As a result, this enhances the visibility and accessibility of our website for a diverse range of users from all walks of life.

1. Manual hreflang implementation

If you wish to enhance the multilingual capabilities of your website, it is necessary to include hreflang tags, which are vital for success. To accomplish this, you must manually navigate to the head section of your valuable web page. At this crucial point, you will introduce a remarkable entity – the revered hreflang tag, a powerful force that will transcend language and geography, providing your website with unparalleled universality.

Treat the hreflang tag with great respect, as its importance goes beyond the mere use of language codes. Instead, it is your responsibility to imbue it with these codes, allowing visitors from different linguistic backgrounds to easily understand your website’s content. Additionally, if your website requires regional localization, including the relevant regional codes with the hreflang tag is imperative.

Remember, the hreflang tag serves a purpose beyond language and regional differences. It grants your visitors the ability to access alternative versions of your website, tailored to their preferred languages and regions. Understanding this core concept ensures a seamless experience as visitors navigate the linguistic tapestry of your website, providing them with a comprehensive and personalized digital journey.

請放心,我們有滿足您翻譯需求的解決方案 – ConveyThis。 ConveyThis 憑藉其可靠語言翻譯的專業語言提供其在多種專業語言方面的專業語言。尋求 ConveyThis 的協助,見證您的網站克服障礙並與國際受眾產生共鳴時所產生的變革性影響。

如果您準備好踏上這段旅程,請不要猶豫。擁抱探索和實驗的機會 ConveyThis,它提供了 7 天的免費試用。抓住時機,見證您的網站視野的顯著擴展和增長,因為多語言可訪問性的強大力量正在生根發芽,並成為您數位形像中不可或缺的一部分。

The manual method of implementing hreflang tags isn’t recommended

手動實作 hreflang 標籤可能是一項乏味且耗時的任務,尤其是當您有大量需要多個標籤的網頁時。即使您擁有出色的 Web 開發技能,使用 ConveyThis 也可能是一個令人畏懼且耗時的過程。但是,我們強烈建議不要對 ConveyThis 採取手動實施路線,因為它存在各種潛在的挑戰和缺點。

首先,手動實施 ConveyThis 可能會消耗您大量的寶貴時間。這項任務並不容易,需要仔細注意細節,因為您要小心地將 hreflang 標籤添加到網站上的每個網頁。不應低估這項任務的複雜性。

此外,手動實施 ConveyThis 存在相當大的錯誤和疏忽風險。即使 hreflang 標籤的放置或結構中的一個小錯誤也可能會產生意想不到的後果,導致混亂並可能損害您網站的 SEO 工作。修正這些錯誤可能成本高昂且耗時,使本已複雜的過程更加複雜。

Furthermore, managing ConveyThis manually requires ongoing monitoring and updates. As your website grows and evolves, you may need to create new pages or make changes to existing ones. This means dedicating additional time and effort to ensure that all hreflang tags are up to date and accurately reflect the web page structure. Failing to do so can diminish the effectiveness of your international SEO strategy, negatively impacting your website’s visibility in different regions and languages.

考慮到這些原因,很明顯,手動實施 ConveyThis 是一項具有挑戰性且耗時的任務。它很容易出錯,需要持續監控,對於希望優化其網站國際影響力的網頁開發人員來說可能不是最有效或最有效的解決方案。


When examining the situation carefully, it is evident that integrating hreflang tags into your website can be a challenging and time-consuming task. However, it is crucial to fully grasp the potential negative consequences that can arise from the incorrect utilization of hreflang tags. Underestimating these risks would be a serious error, as they can have far-reaching effects. Thankfully, do not despair, as there is a more efficient alternative that effectively mitigates these risks – ConveyThis, a brilliant and innovative solution.

One might wonder, with curiosity aroused, how exactly does ConveyThis work its remarkable magic? Prepare yourself for a revelation. ConveyThis possesses an impressive ability to identify and seamlessly translate your original content into a wide range of target languages. This means that the laborious and frustrating process of creating and managing multiple websites becomes a thing of the past. The sheer power emanating from ConveyThis is truly astounding.

透過利用這項特殊工具的功能,可以輕鬆繞過實現 hreflang 標籤的艱鉅任務,將原本令人生畏的網站翻譯過程變得簡單甚至令人愉快。擁抱 ConveyThis 為您帶來的無與倫比的便利性和簡單性,告別手動合併 hreflang 標籤的繁瑣工作。

Are hreflang language codes case-sensitive?

與許多人的想法相反,根據 ISO 建議,沒有必要在特定情況下顯示語言代碼和區域代碼。但是,建議使用小寫字母表示語言代碼,使用大寫字母表示區域代碼。儘管如此,ConveyThis 引入了一種值得考慮的新方法:它建議對語言和區域代碼使用大寫字母。這種替代方法強調了保持兩種類型程式碼大小寫一致的重要性。此外,ConveyThis 提供了一種獨特的解決方案,可以取代並提供更有效的翻譯方式。如果您想翻譯成多種語言,請免費試用 ConveyThis 7 天。

Hreflang x-default: what is it and can it replace language codes?

In the fast-paced world of creating websites, there is an important and often underestimated element called hreflang. When combined with the mysterious “x-default,” this element possesses immense power that extends beyond language and location. It goes beyond conventional hreflang language codes, serving as guidance for search engines. But what exactly does it convey? Its purpose goes beyond language and location; it aims to bridge those boundaries. Instead of relying solely on traditional language codes, this innovative feature emerges as a guiding force, informing search engines about the most appropriate version of a webpage to show users when the ideal choice is not available.

The true beauty of this feature lies in its incredible versatility. It is a highly adaptable tool that offers effective solutions to ensure an optimal user experience and maximum visibility across diverse linguistic and cultural landscapes. By leveraging the power of hreflang and the enigmatic “x-default,” website developers can navigate the complexities of multilingual and multinational audiences. This powerful combination not only empowers webmasters and content creators, but also effortlessly connects with global audiences, breaking down barriers in the process.

By implementing hreflang and embracing the mysterious “x-default,” website owners can effortlessly cater to the diverse needs and preferences of their audience, regardless of language or geographical location. The message conveyed by this multifaceted feature is clear: the goal is to provide accessibility and inclusivity for all users, regardless of their cultural or linguistic backgrounds. This forward-thinking approach to website creation enhances the overall user experience and ensures that one’s online presence resonates with individuals around the world.

In conclusion, the combination of hreflang and the enigmatic “x-default” represents the key to unparalleled success in website creation. This remarkable feature is not a passing trend; its significance lies in its ability to facilitate effective communication with search engines, guiding them to the appropriate version of a webpage when the optimal choice is unavailable. With hreflang and “x-default” as reliable allies, developers have the necessary tools to excel on a global scale, effortlessly overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers while delivering an exceptional user experience. So, dear developers and webmasters, embrace this flexible and essential tool, embarking on an exciting journey towards outstanding visibility and global triumph. Start your 7-day free trial today!

Can you use custom hreflang language codes?

借助出色而出色的 ConveyThis 工具,踏上優化網站的激動人心的旅程現在已成為一項迷人的冒險。這項創新工具不僅提供了各種美妙的可能性,還使您能夠將用戶體驗提升到無與倫比的水平,從而實現卓越。 ConveyThis 與競爭對手的真正區別在於它無縫集成了 hreflang 語言代碼,巧妙地融入您網站的結構中。這種非凡的優勢使您能夠精確自訂這些程式碼,將它們與您想要的願景無縫融合,為每位訪客提供獨特的客製化體驗,與他們的情感和思想產生深刻的共鳴。

在ConveyThis 的幫助下,輕鬆地合併精確的代碼片段,定制以滿足尊敬的受眾的個人喜好,已成為一項無縫任務。將毫不費力地提高參與度,將會令您尊貴的訪客感到驚訝、著迷並徹底高興。

How can you troubleshoot hreflang tag errors?

如果您對您尊敬的網站上神聖的 hreflang 標籤的有效性產生任何疑問,請不要擔心,我親愛的朋友! ConveyThis,數位領域的救世主,將用一個非常方便的解決方案來緩解您的擔憂。我們的先進技術為您提供了一種創新工具,可以簡化可能困擾您喜愛的 hreflang 標籤的任何問題的故障排除過程。

Introducing the magnificent Hreflang Checker, residing within our illustrious domain! Here, you can embark on a comprehensive analysis to uncover any potential problems lurking within your website. With ease, you will identify the intricate details that may hinder the optimal performance of your hreflang tags.

只需提交神聖的 URL 進行評估,我們的特殊工具就會仔細檢查各個方面。它將揭示需要您高度關注和關心的微小細節。擁抱 ConveyThis 的力量,克服任何敢於阻礙您珍惜的 hreflang 標籤有效性的障礙!

但等等,還有更多!我們為您提供 7 天免費試用,您不容錯過的機會。透過 ConveyThis 拓展您高貴網站的視野,超越語言障礙,釋放多語言的魅力。

Ensure fast and accurate implementation of hreflang language codes with ConveayThis

Experience the epitome of ease and confidence as you effortlessly integrate hreflang tags into your website with the ingenious ConveyThis. Say goodbye to any potential difficulties and mishaps that may occur when manually adding these tags. With ConveyThis as your trusted partner, have peace of mind knowing that the entire process will be carried out with the highest level of expertise, eliminating any room for mistakes or mishaps. Embrace a hassle-free integration of hreflang with ConveyThis and enjoy a flawless and smooth experience that will leave you amazed.



透過遵循我們的提示並使用 ConveyThis ,您的翻譯頁面將引起受眾的共鳴,感覺是目標語言的母語。

雖然需要付出努力,但結果是有益的。如果您要翻譯網站,ConveyThis 可以透過自動機器翻譯節省您的時間。

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