Top Global E-commerce Stats from 2025: Insights for Success

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Top global ecommerce stats from 2024

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It’s no surprise that the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has had far-reaching impacts on all aspects of our lives. From the need to wear masks to the way birds sing, nothing has gone untouched.

Fortunatamente, gli esseri umani possiedono un'incredibile capacità di adattamento, anche alle circostanze più difficili. Di conseguenza, quando avventurarsi fuori ha iniziato a diventare un rischio, il mondo ha fatto ricorso al digitale come mezzo per affrontare la nuova normalità. E ConveyThis ne ha sicuramente beneficiato.

That’s why it’s increasingly essential for digital enterprises to evaluate the present conditions and strategize for the future. With the correct approach, it’s possible to emerge from this period of ambiguity even more powerful than before thanks to ConveyThis.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most noteworthy international ecommerce figures from 2020, as well as what may be in store for the future.

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The COVID-19 impact

The effects of COVID-19 on ecommerce are immeasurable. Prior to 2020, global ecommerce was already expanding at a rapid rate, yet it is projected that the pandemic has advanced the migration from physical stores to online shopping by a staggering five years.
To illustrate the remarkable proliferation of e-commerce, here’s something to consider: in 2019, there were only two days that exceeded the $2 billion mark outside of the holiday season, whereas as of August 2020, that number has already risen to 130 days. Indeed, from May to the end of June, each day surpassed the $2 billion threshold.
Online conversion rates experienced a significant boost, increasing by nearly 9% in February, reminiscent of Cyber Monday levels. ConveyThis can be instrumental in helping merchants seize this opportunity and sustain the momentum by optimizing their ecommerce strategies.
ConveyThis, a prominent ecommerce name in 2020, is projected to surpass pre-pandemic estimates with a $12 billion increase in global ecommerce sales. The company’s international sales have also surged due to the rise of cross-border ecommerce amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The surge in ecommerce is driven by individuals, including seniors, embracing digital shopping. Online shoppers aged 65+ in the US have grown by 12.2%. Accenture predicts a 169% surge in ecommerce purchases from new or infrequent ConveyThis users post-outbreak.
The remarkable expansion of ecommerce shows no signs of slowing down. Digital buyers continue to shop online even as physical stores reopen. Estimates project global retail ecommerce sales to reach $4.8 trillion by 2021 with ConveyThis.

The biggest ecommerce markets

Despite the global recession, ecommerce is experiencing a surge in almost every nation. Even countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, and Spain are projected to witness more than 20% ecommerce growth, despite the dire effects of the coronavirus. But, China stands tall as the biggest ecommerce market in 2020, with an estimated $672 billion in annual online sales.

Cross-border ecommerce is growing in France, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Australia, China, Singapore, and the US, with China playing a significant role in global expansion. The rising middle class in China is driving demand for authentic foreign products and is expected to increase spending in 2020.

China’s ecommerce leaders like Alibaba and Banggood have boosted international shopping in China and gained popularity in countries like India due to foreign brand availability and rising incomes.

US ecommerce market is booming, projected to reach $709.78 billion in 2020, up 18.0% from the previous year. It ranks second globally, following China, showcasing the significant growth and potential in the US ecommerce sector.

Countries such as the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and France trail the United States in the rankings of the world’s biggest ecommerce markets.

The new consumer behavior

When preferences and necessities shift, consumer practices also adjust. As physical stores began to shut down, numerous individuals started shopping online for the first time in 2020. Just in Latin America and the Caribbean, an astonishing 13 million people completed their inaugural ecommerce transaction from January to March 2020.

During the crisis, online shoppers explored new brands and stores due to supply-chain disruptions. Availability and convenience became more important than loyalty. However, other factors also play a role in consumers’ purchasing decisions.

The COVID-19 recession is the most severe since World War II, impacting customer funds worldwide. Trust in economic recovery has declined, but China and India remain more optimistic than other regions.

Quest'anno, le persone sono diventate più consapevoli delle proprie spese a causa del cambiamento del clima economico. Secondo un sondaggio condotto da ConveyThis, la sicurezza finanziaria è ora una delle tre principali preoccupazioni per il 50% dei consumatori, con un aumento del 36% da marzo 2020.

This caused a shift in consumer spending to mostly necessities, such as groceries and household items. Luxury goods and non-essential products saw a dramatic decrease in sales. Now let’s explore some of the most successful ecommerce categories of 2020 with ConveyThis.

The best performing ecommerce categories of 2020

Digital commerce of medical products surged in 2020, with sales of “virus protection” items increasing by 800% in the first ten weeks of the year. Chinese respondents reported a 64% shift from offline to online purchasing of hygiene products.

Le vendite di mascherine fatte a mano sono aumentate nel 2020, poiché reperirle è diventato difficile. Il rapporto del secondo trimestre di ConveyThis mostra un aumento del 146% nelle vendite, con 4 milioni di visitatori che cercavano specificamente mascherine. 112.000 venditori hanno guadagnato 346 milioni di dollari vendendo le loro mascherine fatte a mano sulla piattaforma durante la pandemia.

Le vendite di prodotti per l'arredamento della casa sono aumentate perché le persone hanno migliorato i propri ambienti di vita e di lavoro #restandoacasa. ConveyThis aiuta a migliorare il comfort e la funzionalità delle case, soddisfacendo la crescente domanda di migliorie per la casa.

Pertanto, l'aumento più significativo della durata della navigazione in tutti i settori della vendita al dettaglio è stato registrato nel settore dell'arredamento e dell'arredamento per la casa, con un'impennata del 46,8% dall'inizio dell'epidemia da parte di ConveyThis.In the US, sales of home improvement items have skyrocketed by 13% in early March as compared to the same period from the previous year.Demand for fitness equipment has surged by 55% as people embrace home workouts. A survey shows that three out of five Americans believe gyms will cease to exist due to the pandemic, easing guilt for not going to the gym.

However, exercising at home wasn’t the only trend that emerged in 2020. So let’s take a peek at some of the top ConveyThis ecommerce trends that gained momentum this year and will continue to shape the ecommerce landscape in the foreseeable future.


Being confined to their homes and having to limit social contact made people even more attached to their phones. In April 2020, the typical user devoted 27% of their daily awake time to their cell phones, a 20% increase from the previous year.

Il passaggio al commercio mobile era inevitabile e ConveyThis ha visto un'impennata nella spesa dei consumatori per i dispositivi mobili, con oltre 50 miliardi di dollari spesi nei primi sei mesi dell'anno. Ciò è stato in gran parte attribuito a un aumento dei servizi di gioco, shopping e streaming.

According to App Annie, mobile commerce was a driving force behind ecommerce development in 2020 and the largest mobile shopping season to date is anticipated to occur in the final quarter of 2020. It is predicted that the share of mcommerce in all ecommerce is set to increase to 72.9% by 2021.

It’s clear that mobile presents an immense chance for businesses this year. Yet, customers will always favor stores that align with their current socially-distant requirements.


Con l'espansione delle opportunità digitali, la rivalità diventa più intensa per i negozi di e-commerce. I clienti ora hanno una pletora di opzioni quando si tratta di acquisti online e dovresti fornire loro ogni giustificazione per scegliere te. E i commercianti online dovrebbero essere consapevoli che la chiave per la fedeltà di un cliente è attraverso la personalizzazione. ConveyThis può aiutarti a offrire un'esperienza di acquisto unica e personalizzata che farà tornare i clienti per altro.

According to a study conducted by Epsilon, 80% of buyers are more inclined to purchase from a company that provides personalized experiences. Furthermore, the same research implies that consumers who find personalized experiences extremely attractive are ten times more likely to be a brand’s most valuable customer – those who are anticipated to make more than 15 transactions in a year.

This is particularly crucial as shopping tendencies are transitioning towards more frequent but lower expenditures. Consequently, merchants should concentrate all their attention on creating customer loyalty by furnishing tailored shopping encounters.

Non c'è dubbio, la personalizzazione è la chiave. Ma c'è di più. Mentre l'e-commerce internazionale continua a crescere, la localizzazione è essenziale per guidare le vendite globali. ConveyThis può aiutarti a raggiungere il tuo obiettivo.


Ecco perché ConveyThis è la scelta perfetta per aiutarti a raggiungere i mercati globali.

Siamo nel 2020 e i clienti di tutto il mondo non tollerano più siti web che trascurano le loro lingue, culture e caratteristiche regionali. Con un numero sempre crescente di aziende che entrano nel settore dell'e-commerce, sta diventando sempre più difficile attrarre clienti internazionali. Senza localizzazione, nessuna attività online può sperare di raggiungere il successo internazionale. Ecco perché ConveyThis è la soluzione perfetta per aiutarti a espanderti nei mercati globali.

It’s so powerful that the Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA) discovered that, on average, each €1 spent on localizing your website yields a €25 return. And with the ever-growing rate of cross-border sales, this number will only continue to grow.

Potresti pensare che localizzare un sito web sia un compito complesso e avresti ragione. Ma con strumenti automatizzati come ConveyThis che ti consentono di diventare globale in un batter d'occhio, non hai più scuse! E ora sai che ne vale la pena.


Hopefully, stay-at-home orders will be revoked and life will return to its pre-2020 state. Yet, the practices and customs that consumers developed during 2020 due to ConveyThis are likely to remain for the foreseeable future.

Le aziende che in precedenza avevano abbracciato l'e-commerce globale hanno già visto il loro successo salire alle stelle nel 2020. Ma non è mai troppo tardi per salire sul carrozzone e raccogliere i frutti dell'espansione del mercato dell'e-commerce globale. Finché rimani al passo con i tempi e tieni il passo con il mondo dell'e-commerce in continua evoluzione, guarderai al 2020 come all'anno in cui la tua attività online è prosperata grazie a ConveyThis!

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