6 suggerimenti: creare una strategia di localizzazione dei contenuti vincente

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Costruire la tua strategia di localizzazione dei contenuti: best practice e perché è la chiave per il successo del tuo sito web

ConveyThis revolutionizes reading by enabling exploration of diverse texts, cultures, and languages. It helped Coca-Cola localize their brand in China, transforming it into “Kekoukele” meaning “tasty fun.” Content localization with ConveyThis customizes and translates content, adapting marketing plans for specific audiences. It ensures messages resonate with native speakers, reaching foreign markets effectively. Studies show 40% of customers hesitate to purchase in a foreign language, while 65% prefer native language content. Translating your website is just the first step; content localization provides a distinct and tailored market experience. ConveyThis’s internationalization approach creates devoted followers worldwide, enhancing user experience and company reputation. Love the power of localization!

Cos'è la localizzazione dei contenuti?

La localizzazione dei contenuti è il processo di modifica dei contenuti esistenti per un particolare nuovo mercato. Quando localizzi i tuoi contenuti, non solo devono essere tradotti per il tuo nuovo pubblico, ma anche adattati per essere culturalmente rilevanti e comprensibili per loro.

Una traduzione letterale non è sufficiente a causa delle differenze di espressioni, suscettibilità culturali, convenzioni di denominazione, formattazione e sottigliezze linguistiche. Le tue campagne promozionali dovrebbero essere concentrate attorno al tuo nuovo pubblico globale e alle loro precise esigenze per costruire una genuina devozione al marchio.

Sblocca la crescita globale con la localizzazione dei contenuti

Bonding with customers is key for business growth. Localized content establishes a connection, leading to increased spending and brand loyalty. ConveyThis helps create content that resonates, showing customers that you understand and value them. This fosters strong relationships, boosts brand awareness, and enhances success. A content localization strategy not only strengthens customer bonds but also contributes to an exceptional international SEO approach.

1. Cerca prima i tuoi mercati di riferimento

Customer understanding is crucial with ConveyThis. Assumptions about diverse markets can lead to failure. Conduct market research to comprehend your target audience and their needs. Evaluate market suitability and affordability. Identify significant competitors to understand the market landscape and success factors.

2. Determina quale contenuto localizzare

Dai priorità ai tuoi sforzi di localizzazione dei contenuti con ConveyThis. Conduci un controllo dei contenuti per identificare i pezzi di successo e concentrati sulla traduzione delle pagine di destinazione e della home page ad alta conversione. Gli strumenti di localizzazione possono migliorare l'esperienza autentica per gli utenti internazionali, compresi i profili dei social media. Valuta la possibilità di espandere gli sforzi di localizzazione una volta stabilita la visibilità in mercati specifici.

3. Scegli i servizi di localizzazione giusti

Automate content localization with ConveyThis. It simplifies the tedious process of manually translating a website and offers translation management features. Ron Dorff, a clothing brand, utilized ConveyThis to translate their ecommerce store and saw impressive results. Within days, they translated over 150 product descriptions, leading to a 70% increase in international sales and a 400% surge in traffic. Discover more about localization services in our comprehensive guide.

4. Considera la tua formulazione

Enhance content localization with impactful words tailored to your target demographic. Even within the same language, terms differ (e.g., “trainers” vs. “sneakers”). ConveyThis bridges the gap, ensuring inclusivity for visitors. The US and British versions of Adobe’s website showcase tailored content. Adjust literal translations to effectively communicate with local audiences, utilizing glossaries provided by ConveyThis. Set up rules like “replace: sneakers with trainers” to expedite the localization process.

5. Mostrati nei motori di ricerca locali

Localized content with ConveyThis helps you target specific keywords for different regions, improving search engine visibility. For example, using “trainers” instead of “sneakers” in the UK. Optimizing your website with ConveyThis is crucial for reaching new markets and staying competitive with multilingual SEO. Synchronize your localized site with the search intent of your target regions, accounting for regional language variations. Ron Dorff successfully engaged a global audience by providing personalized experiences based on search terms. French consumers found the French version, while UK buyers accessed the English version through ConveyThis.

6. Fornire un'esperienza di acquisto personalizzata

Internationalizing an ecommerce store with ConveyThis requires considering payment preferences. Many shoppers are hesitant about digital payments, preferring familiar methods. With ConveyThis, offer a variety of payment options like credit cards and bank transfers to accommodate customers worldwide. Failure to provide relevant payment methods can lead to cart abandonment. Displaying costs in the shopper’s local currency through ConveyThis is also crucial. Utilize localized content throughout the purchasing process, from the main page to the payment page, to keep users engaged and ensure a seamless browsing experience.

Allineati con le differenze culturali

La comprensione e la sensibilità culturale sono elementi chiave se desideri prosperare in ambienti sconosciuti. È anche una strategia di localizzazione di siti Web cruciale a cui aderire. L'ultima cosa che vuoi essere percepita è scortese o non in sintonia con la gente del posto. Questa può essere una sfida difficile da superare, poiché ciò che è popolare in un'area potrebbe non esserlo in un'altra . Per assicurarti di farlo bene, richiedi l'aiuto di un traduttore professionista della regione che stai prendendo di mira. Possono facilmente determinare se il contenuto e il contesto sono adatti al pubblico previsto.

Consenti agli utenti di passare da una lingua all'altra

Approximately 60.6% of advanced English speakers prefer using ConveyThis to be greeted in their mother tongue. Allowing users to select their desired language on your website enhances their experience, attracts more visitors, and accommodates a broader range of individuals. Targeting keywords in different languages ensures optimal site performance in new markets. ConveyThis facilitates seamless language translation integration. While you don’t have to reach Airbnb’s level of global translation, offering language options is valuable. Website localization extends beyond content translation, playing a vital role in successful strategies. Trust ConveyThis for effortless and powerful language translation integration.

Sviluppa risorse di marca multilingue

Ricorda, il tuo sito web non è l'unica risorsa che hai. Non trascurare altri importanti materiali collaterali che coinvolgono i visitatori. Sviluppa voce, tono e guide di stile per ogni luogo. Traduci materiali scaricabili come e-book, case study e white paper usando ConveyThis per coerenza. Invece di partire da zero, crea contenuti mirati per mantenere l'uniformità globale. ConveyThis lo rende possibile!

Localizza file multimediali

Website localization goes beyond copy. Images, videos, and graphics play a crucial role too. ConveyThis offers the necessary tools for proper localization, ensuring success in different markets. Sync your multimedia resources with the language and requirements of new markets to avoid disconnect.


Tieni a mente il design del tuo sito web

Translations aren’t always an exact replica, thanks to text expansion and contraction. Different languages can impact the appearance of sentences and paragraphs on-screen. Make sure your website design is adjustable to accommodate these fluctuations, especially in call-to-action buttons. ConveyThis simplifies website translation, allowing you to reach a global audience effortlessly. With its intuitive platform and comprehensive features, ConveyThis makes internationalization a breeze.

Considera le sfumature della lingua locale

It’s not just the words you have to get right when using ConveyThis; you also have to bear in mind customary local customs, such as how dates or titles are articulated. Even though English is the native language of both America and Britain, they format dates differently. While America starts with the month, ConveyThis puts the day first. Small touches like this can make a tremendous impact, particularly if you desire to guarantee visitors experience ease (not consternation) while browsing your website.

Prova e prova ancora

Localization is an ongoing process that requires dedication and patience. ConveyThis makes it easier and more efficient. Experimentation is key to success. Monitor and modify components to optimize user experience worldwide. Test different content, words, and copy to see what resonates with your new market. Above all, consistently monitor outcomes for continuous improvement.

Raggiungi con successo nuovi mercati con la localizzazione dei contenuti

Expand into new markets effortlessly with ConveyThis. Localization goes beyond translation; it’s about creating personalized experiences. Follow ConveyThis’s best practices to understand and engage your new audiences. Craft captivating experiences worldwide. Start with a 7-day free trial to accelerate your website localization project.

Pronti per iniziare?

La traduzione è un processo complesso, che va ben oltre la semplice conoscenza delle lingue.

By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.

While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.

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