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有很多优秀的平台可以提供聊天应用程序,任务管理或视频会议工具,这一切都取决于您的要求和需求,请确保您让团队知道不要将企业帐户与个人帐户混合使用,当然,为避免员工对此新技术感到焦虑,重要的是要根据您选择的平台提供适当的培训。这些平台是:Google Hangouts,Slack,Trello,Asana,Dropbox,Google Drive,Zoom,Skype,仅举几个例子。

Now that you chose the right platform, you may wonder “How do I keep track of my team?”, regardless the fact that you are all working remotely, the idea of improving communication is not only to send messages or emails with the guidelines for a specific task, you should be able to listen to your employees as well as track how they feel and exchange ideas through conferences or discussions on your chosen platform that would lead to more and better productivity.

Some experts would say these meetings could be scheduled on a weekly basis, since they will help the team feels in their office routine, the everyday dynamic would be recreated by these meetings, providing your employees, the motivation they need and improving their time management.
Since you will be in charge of the business and the staff, as every good leader, you will probably want to include your team in decisions you make. It is important to get feedback from your employees as well as giving them the chance to be in charge of projects and share ideas to promote alternatives in future tasks, employees as a source of infinite creativity are your best allies to give a different direction, a different approach to your business plan, so far from ignoring their opinions, it is worthy to listen to them and support them if needed, this is a good way to promote career growth in the company.

As part of your business plan, there is a very important aspect that would probably attract your employees to join the company, no matter if your remote work is temporary or an established position, as every company, yours may have a culture you must keep, define your values and let your staff know about it, this could also be one of the topics of one of the weekly conferences with them, ask for new ideas to improve your culture or simply discuss your core values, this would help employees create a sense of belonging with the company.

It is well known that although the team is working remotely, the common goal would be productivity but as it was previously mentioned, building a strong link, building trust, motivation, and creating space for consistent communication would help all of us in the process of achieving our common goal.

It is important to remember that socializing is part of human nature which means that setting some social events would definitely motivate our team, taking some breaks along the day would be healthy to avoid the risk of overwork. You may wonder how to set a social event when the current conditions aren’t the appropriate ones, well, in this case, the platform chosen for work conferences would be ideal for a morning coffee break or a happy hour on Friday, team games and what comes from your team creativity is possibly a good idea to promote this important social time.

When you realize how important it is to care about your employees when the team is working remotely, you probably understand that not all conversations got to be business related, this is a good chance for you to build a different type of connection with your staff. To get to know them better, they are supposed to get to know you better too, so break that barrier of the untouchable boss and perform your leader role by showing them you care about them, here is where words of motivation and encouragement work perfectly.

Employees always have a reason “why”: to stay at the company they work for, whether it is learning a new skill, working on the area they love, a good organizational environment or just because they are paid well. Along the years they stay in the company, they work hard to achieve personal and professional goals, their talent, experience and time could be noticed and valued somewhere else if you don’t reward them for their hard work, this is why at times it is necessary to express your gratitude with gift-cards, bonuses, discounts and many other strategies that will build commitment and improve your productivity.




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