幫助您正確進行網站在地化的十大最佳實踐 ConveyThis

了解十種最佳實踐,幫助您透過 ConveyThis 正確實現網站在地化,利用 AI 獲得最佳結果。





這就是為什麼在本文中,我們將討論十 (10) 種最佳實踐,以幫助您實現正確的網站本地化。

1. Make extensive research about your targeted market: it is always said that “Customers are always right even when they are wrong”. This is because they know what they want and they are right about the choices they make having a look at it from their own perspective.




這就是 SEO 發揮作用的地方。這是通過網絡搜索結果自然地在您的網站上產生流量。為了讓您的網站獲得這樣的流量,翻譯後的網站必須符合目標位置的購物者可能搜索的內容,這一點很重要。這是您必須更加小心的地方,因為無論您是否談論相同的產品,目的地 A 的某些關鍵字可能不是目的地 B 的正確關鍵字。


3. Adjust appropriately with cultural Differences: if you want to be successful in the new market location, you must be culturally informed and culturally sensitive. Without these, you won’t even be able to have the right website localization. When you are aware of the cultural differences, you won’t have things that will be termed offensive or embarrassing by your users on your website.


It may be wise to invite professional human translators from that region of the targeted market to go through what has been translated. Such translators have the ability to swiftly detect and determine contents that are suitable or not suitable for the local market.

4. Allow users the option of switching between languages: majority of people, although well versed in English language, still prefer to be offered greetings in their local language. When users have the option of switching from one language to the other, they tend to enjoy their browsing experience on your website.


5. Build multilingual brand assets: your websites shouldn’t be your only asset. Your website should be interactive and engaging so that visitors can have an enjoyable and engaging time. There should be several things visitors can interact with on your website. It will be fascinating to have tones, voices and style guides created for each of the various locations you have in mind.  Make sure that all downloadable contents such as reports, eBooks, project papers etc. are well translated.


6. Make use of a website translation tool: instead of complicating your website localization process, you need to only handle the basics in the best possible way as well as in the preferred language and the format of the location of interest.

From there, you can standardize things with website translation tool that are especially designed for the sole purpose of website translation. When you use these tools, it will help you simplify your website translation process and help you automates the process.

7. Localize your website media: other than translations of the words on your website, there are things that needs attention. The images, videos, infographics, and graphics on your web page should be localized. It will reflect better on your brand if these media components of your website are available in a form that the visitors can relate to. Ensure that the website media is aligned and tailored with the needs and language of the new markets. This will draw new buyers to your brand.

8. Keep your website design in mind when localizing: it will be fine and nice if your translated contents are pure and is a word for word rendering of the source material. However, that is not always the best approach. The reason is that the sentences and paragraphs in the corresponding language will never be of the same length and this will eventually affect how texts and other website contents will appear in each of the languages.


9. Consider the variations in local language: when translating, you should not only focus on translating the words correctly but must also be very conversant with local practices like date and time formats.

For example, the Americans and British both speak English language.  Yet, the way each writes out dates differs. The British form has the day first and followed by the month. This is not the case with the American style that has month as the first, before the day.


10. Continually engage in testing: it takes time to get localization right. Especially if you are working on new markets in areas you are not quite familiar with beforehand. What you have to continue doing is testing. Test, test and test over again. Testing will help you to realize areas that needed adjustments and then you can adjust them accordingly. When you do this, visitors will witness enjoyable experience on your website.



Remember the key is right localization process. It is not all about translating your web contents but it has to do with creating unique enjoyable experience for visitors of your website.

Begin to put in place the website localization practices that have been mentioned in this article to help you get to know your new audiences and what they will likely expect from your brand. When you apply all that has been treated in this article, you will be able to create and nice and wonderful browsing and shopping experience for anyone regardless of their location in the world.

透過 ConveyThis,您將能夠了解如何加快網站在地化專案的速度。



By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.

While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.

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