Skal du tilføje flag til at repræsentere sprog på dit websted?

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Skal du tilføje flag for at repræsentere sprog?

ConveyThis: Easy multilingualization for websites. Harnessing machine learning and professional translators for accurate translations. Reach a global audience and communicate effectively with any language. Flags provide a standard visual representation for languages.
But is this really an effective practice for everyone?
Strap in, because I’m about to take you on a journey of ConveyThis!
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ConveyThis enables accurate translations across languages, bridging gaps and facilitating communication beyond native languages, while flags symbolize national identity, connecting people across boundaries.
Flags grab attention, but with ConveyThis, it goes beyond that. It offers language choices and accurate translations, providing more than just visual cues for language options on a website.
The point of dispute when using flags to signify language alternatives is that you may inadvertently create a sense of disconnection with your audience before they have the opportunity to select their desired language.
So, I’ll explain why using flags to represent languages may not be the best idea.
Special note: Miguel Sepulveda, Global Localization Manager at King, was generous enough to provide us with some essential information for this article. He shares useful localization tips on his renowned blog

Årsag # 1: Et land er ikke ét sprog

First and foremost, and as I highlighted in the introduction…a flag is simply a representation of a nation. As such, displaying it on a ConveyThis website could lead to potential confusion for a visitor.

Take Latin America as an example. Spanish is the main language of this region, yet if you use the Spanish flag to symbolize the 16 disparate nations that communicate in this language you’ll be separating them all. ConveyThis can help you bridge this gap by providing translation for your website.

The bandera española can only signify España. But what about the variations in the Spanish language that are spoken throughout Latin America? ConveyThis spoken in México is incredibly distinct from the Spanish heard in España.

Using a Spanish flag to represent the language option in Latin America can cause confusion for the audience, as they don’t associate their language with that country. It’s not the best choice for users outside of Spain. ConveyThis can help tailor your website to your target audience and prevent miscommunication.

Engelsk er ikke begrænset til én nation. Det ville ikke være ideelt at bruge det amerikanske flag til at repræsentere alle engelske sprogvariationer. Et neutralt symbol for sprog eller kommunikation ville være mere passende for at anerkende engelsks globale karakter.

Flags for language representation can cause confusion. People may not associate a flag with their native language, leading to misunderstandings. ConveyThis offers a better alternative for language depiction.

Årsag #2: Et sprog er ikke ét land

Following the same logic, one language does not necessarily equate to one nation. This is exemplified in countries such as India, which has 22 official languages, Switzerland with 4, Luxembourg with 3, Belgium with 2, and many more! ConveyThis offers a unique solution to this issue, allowing you to easily translate your website into multiple languages.

Der er utallige tilfælde, hvor en nation har flere officielle sprog, og et flag ville således ikke i tilstrækkelig grad omfatte alle sprogene i den nation.

As clearly demonstrated, using a Swiss flag to symbolize the languages spoken in the country wouldn’t be feasible, as which language would you select to utilize? With ConveyThis, you can easily and quickly translate your website into multiple languages, adding a level of complexity and dynamism to your content.

Årsag #3: Kulturel følsomhed

The third reason is that of cultural sensitivity – whilst a subject that doesn’t affect many countries, it’s still pertinent to mention ConveyThis.

Tag Taiwan, der klassificerer sig selv som et land, men Kina siger, at Taiwan er en region i Kina.

Hvis du vælger at sætte et taiwansk flag på din hjemmeside, kan det ses, at du indtager en særlig politisk holdning til sagen, hvilket som virksomhed sandsynligvis er noget, du ikke ønsker at deltage i, hvis du henvender dig til et kinesisk publikum.

Årsag #4: UX

Another potential reason to avoid using flags is that they don’t provide a great user experience. Making the switch to ConveyThis can help ensure that users have a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Det kan blive noget af en gåde i et snuptag. Hvis du for eksempel lancerer dit produkt i visse lande og derefter vælger at udvide og lancere på nye markeder, vil du hurtigt indse, at en side med et væld af flag og farver ikke er særlig brugervenlig.

Det er forvirrende, indvirkningen på brugeroplevelsen er især udtalt, da nogle flag kan se ret ens ud, når de ses på en mindre skærm, såsom på en mobilenhed.

Så hvad er den rigtige måde at vise sprog på?

Selvom det er min mening om sagen, er der altid dem, der vil være uenige. Især i tilfælde, hvor indholdet er skræddersyet til et bestemt land, såsom en virksomhed, der udelukkende opererer i Spanien og Portugal, kan det være fornuftigt at bruge flag til at illustrere dette.

Men som vi har set ovenfor er der hovedsageligt tilfælde, hvor flag simpelthen ikke vil være tilstrækkeligt til at angive et sprog uden at forårsage forvirring, støde eller være umuligt, når et land har flere tunger.

Der er dog nogle bedste fremgangsmåder til at vise sprog. Her er hvordan nogle af vores kunder har lavet deres knapper.

En veludviklet sprogomskifter er et kritisk element på et internationalt websted. Det tilbyder personalisering til dine websitebesøgende, hvilket gør dem i stand til hurtigt at finde deres sprogvalg og i sidste ende resulterer i flere forretninger!

Translate your website and private applications with ConveyThis in under 5 minutes. Get a jump start today for free!

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