Shopify Translate Checkout Page

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How to Translate Shopify Checkout Page?

Step #1

Firstly, you have to go to your Online Store > Themes > Edit languages.

Shopify translate

Step #2

Then choose language you want to translate:

change lang btn

Step #3

Follow below steps for all your target languages:

If you see your target language in the list, then no action needed.

Otherwise, press on Other languages… and select your target language.

select lang

Step #4

Go to Checkout & system tab and privide your custome transtation for selected language.

provide translations

Step #5

Finally, choose your original language back.

change lang btn

Step #6 – Save and Refresh

That’s it. Please visit your website, refresh the page and the shopify checkout page will be also translated.

Your Shopify store should be fully translated now.


Previous Easily Delete Translations with ConveyThis
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