WooCommerce Integration

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How to install ConveyThis on WooCommerce?

Step #1

Go to your WordPress control panel and click “Plugins” and then “Add New”.

wordpress translation

Step #2

Type ConveyThis in the search field and the plugin will show up.

Click “Install Now” and then “Activate”.

plugin install

Step #3

When the page plugin active check menu Plugins and settings for ConveyThis plugin.

plugin settings

Step #4

On this page you need to configurate your settings.

To do that, first of all you need to create account at www.conveythis.com if you haven’t already.


Step #5

Once you confirmed your registration, head to your Dashboard.

Copy your unique API key and get back to the plugin’s configuration page.


Step #6

Paste your API key to the appropriate field.

Select source and target languages.

Click “Save Configuration”.

Screenshot 2024 08 08 151213

Step #7

That’s it. Please visit your website, refresh the page and the language button shows up there.

Congratulations, now you can start translating your WooCommerce website.

*If you want to customize the button or get familiar with an additional settings, please go back to the main configuration page (with language settings) and click “Show more options“.

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