ConveyThis for Small Business: Translation Solutions to Grow Your Reach

Make Your Website Multilingual in 5 Minutes
Fastest implementation
High performer
Best support

Running a small business is not an easy task: managing employees, satisfying customers, pleasing a landlord, doing accounting, screening new applicants, searching for new suppliers and negotiating with existing ones. These and many more are the issues that small business owners need to battle on a daily basis. Life doesn’t get easy with a business being small. It’s the same level of responsibilities as running a Fortune 500 company if not more. And when it comes to running a website, the burden of website translation and localization lies on the owner directly. There is no one to outsource it to; other than an expensive web studio which will change a hefty sum of money.

When we created ConveyThis Translate, we aimed at the mission of simplifying the small business struggle and obtain a website translation software that would get the job done quickly and inexpensively. And we did it! ConveyThis offers an amazing level of features such as neural machine translation into 92 languages, automatic language redirection, PDF URL replacements, visual editing interface and much more. Excited to hear more? Then continue to read!

Quick Install

Setup ConveyThis language switcher in as many as five minutes. Copy and paste the JavaScript code directly into your website template or use our widgets for WordPress, Shopify, Weebly, Joomla and other CMS. No need to learn the coding. Even your grandma could do it with help our extensive Youtube tutorial collection and friendly customer support.

Content Detection

No need to tell what to translate. Once you install the language switcher, it will automatically detect the website content and translate it with help of leading neural machine translators such as Google, Bing, Amazon, Yandex or DeepL. Let your content managers go and focus on other tasks instead. ConveyThis will detect and translate everything that is visible on your page including META tags keywords, titles and description. Did we mention the AJAX and image ALT tags too? Yes, everything is supported.

Team Collaboration

Whether you work alone and speak all the languages in the world, you can seamlessly invite other people into your project and share the contents of your website translation with them for a quick look, correction or editing. We developed powerful online tools to assign project roles to users such as freelance translator or a project manager.

Comprehesive Online Platform

Translate your website into over 92 languages with help of a machine translator, then edit translations either by yourself in our convenient visual interface, or hire a translation agency to do it for you.

Visual In-context Editor

Forget the inconvenient Google Docs and Microsoft Excel sheets when it comes to translating web content! ConveyThis uses two powerful editors to help you accomplish this mission. Edit website translation on the fly in the convenience of your web browser whether it is Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Preview the translated pages in real time and make necessary in-context corrections.

Automatic and Human Translations

Automatic is now a new word for machine translation. There used to be times and machine translation was so bad, that no one wanted to use it. Nowadays, with the invent of artificial intelligence and neural networks, the machine translation has drastically imporved and in order to distance itself from the old derogatory stereotype it was renamed into automatic. Not enough automatic quality supplied by leading API from Google, Microsoft, Google and Yandex? Edit translations with humans! That is not prohibited yet!

Professional Linguists

Being bi-lingual is not enough. You need to be well versed in the subject area of your website translation whether it is legal, medical, or technical specialty. Hiring professional translators is a piece of cake using our convenient shopping cart where you can specify every page you’d like to submit for professional revision. Given that conveythis is funded by a leading language translation company, we made this integration serious from day one.

Build with SEO in Mind

Translated and indexed by Google? Its possible and is very encouraged. ConveyThis translated every details of your page: TITLE, DESCRIPTION, on page and ALT tags. Everything is handled in 100% Google compliance including HREFLANG attributes to drive more organic search traffic to your pages.

Visitor Redirection (Automatic)

Reduce the page bounce rate and improve the conversions by automatically redirecting foreign visitors to your translated pages. Serve them content automatically in the language they understand.

Secure Cloud-based Framework

Running a website is expensive. You need to pay monthly fees for a server rental whether it is VPS, Dedicated host or shared. With our secure cloud based framework, everything is stored on our cloud and is included as part of your package.

We are here to help you along this multilingual journey

Ready to Get Started?

Translation, far more than just knowing languages, is a complex process.

By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.

While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.

Try ConveyThis free for 7 days!