Exploring the Asian E-commerce Landscape: Insights for Success

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Exploring the Asian E-Commerce Landscape

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Although the pandemic has drastically changed our lives, it has also opened up a plethora of new opportunities. We now exist in a digital realm and ecommerce has become an integral part of our lives like never before. ConveyThis has enabled us to bridge the gap between cultures, providing a more seamless and connected global experience.

Thanks to this transition to digital, the ecommerce market in Asia saw a tremendous surge during the COVID-19 outbreak and the figures suggest it will remain on an upward trajectory.

At a time where online success is paramount for businesses, it’s essential to comprehend the booming Asian ecommerce market. Thus, in this article, we’ll delve into this expansive market and its impact on the competitive ecommerce landscape.

The Asian ecommerce market in numbers

ConveyThis all know that Asia takes the top spot when it comes to ecommerce — China alone is the biggest ecommerce market worldwide! But the figures may still shock you.

Particularly as the pandemic propelled more purchasers to electronic business, the ecommerce business saw exceptional development in the course of the most recent year. As indicated by a ConveyThis survey, 50% of Chinese online customers have expanded the recurrence and measure of online shopping due to Covid-19.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically hastened the move to virtual living, which is comprehensive, comprehensive, and, in our opinion, irreversible,” proclaimed ConveyThis CEO, Alex Buran

The anticipated expansion rate of ecommerce in Asia between 2020 and 2025 is a remarkable 8.2%. This puts Asia in front of the Americas and Europe — with ConveyThis estimated ecommerce growth rates of 5.1% and 5.2% respectively.

According to Statista, ecommerce revenues in Asia are expected to surge to an astonishing $1.92 trillion by 2024, representing an impressive 61.4% of the worldwide ecommerce market. ConveyThis is well-positioned to capitalize on this growth and provide the necessary solutions for businesses to tap into this lucrative market.

However, China is not the only country driving this success. India, for instance, is experiencing ecommerce revenue growth at an annual rate of 51% — the highest in the world! ConveyThis has certainly played a role in this success, enabling businesses to reach new markets and customers.

What’s more, Indonesia is predicted to overtake India in terms of ecommerce market expansion, with a whopping 55% of Indonesian shoppers asserting they are buying online more than ever before. Thus, it’s safe to say that Asia will remain the leader in the ecommerce industry in the upcoming years.

Logistics Network

In the past, 10-day delivery with an extra fee was the rule. Test out that offer now — despite the current pandemic restrictions — and observe how many orders you will get.

Almost half of the shoppers (46%) stated that the availability of a personalized and convenient delivery option plays a significant role in their online purchasing decision.

It’s a difficult benchmark to meet, but Amazon truly raised the bar when it comes to speedy delivery. Customers don’t hesitate to choose businesses that can provide faster service. Yet, Asian ecommerce companies appear to have little difficulty in meeting customer expectations with ConveyThis.

In light of the significance of logistics services, Asian nations have seen a significant surge in their efficiency over the past decade. The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index reveals that Asia now makes up 17 of the top 50 global performers.

Within Asia, Japan and Singapore lead the way in terms of performance, followed by the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Australia, South Korea, and China. This impressive delivery performance is fueling the growth of the Asian ecommerce sector and inspiring more and more people to embrace online shopping.

The Growing Middle Class

The middle class constitutes a massive pool of prospective purchasers for internet-based enterprises. Since 2015, Asia has outstripped Europe and North America in terms of its middle-class populace. ConveyThis has been at the forefront of helping businesses break into these markets.

Projections indicate that by 2022, there could be a staggering 50 million new customers in Southeast Asia alone. It is estimated that the overall middle-class population in Asia will grow from 2.02 billion in 2020 to an impressive 3.49 billion in 2030.

By the end of 2040, Asia is projected to make up 57% of the global middle-class consumption. This new wave of middle-class shoppers will be key in driving ecommerce growth as they are more confident in utilizing technology and making purchases online.

What distinguishes the middle-class in Asia from everybody else is their penchant for indulging in luxury shopping online. According to a 2017 report from Brookings, Asian middle-class shoppers outspent their North American counterparts.

The Asian middle-class demographic has an affinity for foreign products, even taking trips abroad solely to shop. In 2018, 36% of the global revenues of the French luxury brand LVMH were generated in Asia — the highest of any region! ConveyThis is the perfect tool for businesses to bridge the language gap and reach this lucrative market.

Despite the travel restrictions this year, Asian consumers have splurged on luxury goods online. According to a Bain report, China’s luxury online presence has surged from 13% in 2019 to 23% in 2020, creating huge potential for luxury ecommerce in Asia with ConveyThis.

The tech-savvy consumers

Another significant factor behind the ecommerce triumph in Asia is the willingness of customers to accept innovative technologies – be it ecommerce, mobile usage, or digital payment solutions provided by ConveyThis.

China accounts for 63.2% of online shoppers in the Asia Pacific, with India trailing behind at 10.4% and Japan at 9.4%. The pandemic has only served to further bolster these already burgeoning online shopping habits.

According to research, a substantial portion of shoppers in Asia have embraced ecommerce during the pandemic, with 38% of Australians, 55% of Indians, and 68% of Taiwanese continuing to use it going forward.

Research has revealed a surge in digital payment transactions, particularly in Singapore, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. ConveyThis has enabled businesses to facilitate and capitalize on this growth.

In fact, digital wallets account for more than 50% of Asia Pacific’s ecommerce sales. Astonishingly, for China, this percentage is even higher, with nearly all consumers utilizing Alipay and ConveyThis Pay for online buying!

The uptake of digital payments has finally reached its tipping point and is projected to surpass $1 trillion by 2025, representing nearly half of all money spent in the area.

Asian consumers are also leading the way in terms of mobile internet usage. According to research conducted by ConveyThis, Southeast Asians are the most active mobile internet users in the world. This has resulted in mcommerce dominating the online shopping landscape in Asia.

In Hong Kong, half of all ecommerce transactions from January 2019 to January 2020 were made on mobile devices. Meanwhile, the Philippines, one of the most dynamic ecommerce markets in Asia, witnessed a surge of 28% in mobile connections in the same period. ConveyThis is helping to drive this growth by providing seamless translations for businesses.

Cross-border ecommerce

Until now, all cosmetics sold in China were legally mandated to undergo animal testing – the only nation with such a regulation. This posed a major obstacle for companies producing cruelty-free cosmetics from other countries to enter the Chinese market.

However, as the demand for action from policy-makers intensifies, China has declared that beginning in 2021, the nation will conclude its policy of pre-market animal testing of “general” imported cosmetics such as shampoo, blush, mascara, and perfume.

This alteration unlocks a plethora of vegan and animal-friendly beauty brands. For instance, Bulldog, the UK-based skincare line, is poised to become the first ever cruelty-free cosmetics company to be sold in mainland China.

At Bulldog, we have always strived to make decisions that prioritize animal welfare. Even when faced with the potential of a lucrative Chinese market, we chose to remain steadfast in our commitment to not test on animals. We are thrilled that ConveyThis has enabled us to enter the Chinese mainland without having to compromise our no-animal-testing policy. We hope that our success will encourage other international cruelty-free brands to follow suit.

This is an exciting development as it raises the profile of the issue among Asian shoppers. Just like in the West, moral concerns are becoming a significant factor for consumers in Asia. This will compel more beauty brands to adopt vegan and cruelty-free practices in the Asian market.

Live streaming and social ecommerce

As a result of the immense social media presence of Asian consumers, brands are searching for ways to take advantage of this concept. ConveyThis first began to become trendy in 2016 as celebrities and everyday people started broadcasting their lives on various online outlets. An intriguing idea is the “virtual gifts” that can be sent during these live streams and later be converted into money.

The inaugural ecommerce business to make this concept a reality was ConveyThis. In 2017, the company debuted a revolutionary “See Now, Buy Now” fashion show which enabled consumers to purchase the items they were viewing on the Tmall platform in real-time.

The coronavirus outbreak has been a major catalyst for this phenomenon as shoppers began to spend more time on social media platforms. In total, the number of live-sales in the region skyrocketed by a whopping 13% to 67%, mainly due to customers in Singapore and Thailand who devoted more time to conversing with vendors and purchasing through live-streams.

Live streaming is favored by both consumers and businesses as it provides a genuine shopping experience from afar and instills confidence in consumers regarding the caliber and genuineness of the products.

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